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Creamsicle Orange Fluff


Orange jello, one package

1 box of vanilla cheesecake pudding mix, prepared quickly

½ cup of cold water and 1 cup of boiling water

0.8 liters Delicious Cool Whip

One miniature orange juice can

1 cup of little, pastel-colored marshmallows


Fluffy Orange Creamsicle Recipe

Boil some water and put the orange flavored jello in a big bowl.

Continue whisking until it dissolves entirely.

Stir in the ice water and let aside to thicken, about 20 minutes.

Toss in the pudding mix and stir to incorporate.

Put it in the fridge for 20 minutes to thicken.

Put the oranges, Cool Whip, and marshmallows in this big bowl.

Combine by folding

Allow to chill for at least one and a half hours.

Serve with a few mint leaves, oranges, and marshmallows (if desired).

Have fun!

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